Neck & Shoulders
Have you been given a move to help with your neck pain and you’ve pushed and pulled and nothing changed?
There is a lot of connective tissue in the neck and shoulders and connective tissue takes months to reshape as it doesn’t have its own direct blood supply. This is why it’s such a big problem for those with joint hypermobility as they have defective connective tissue. It’s so important not to rush to release tight muscles, they are already tight so we need to be careful not to add more tightness.
The approach that we find successful at the studio is to build a stable base with the shoulders (you show me someone with neck pain and I’ll show you someone with weak shoulder stability.) From this stable base you do gentle release work on the head, jaw and neck and you invite the realignment, not force it.
“A year on, you’ve no idea how all you’ve taught me has infiltrated my life I rarely have a sore back now and am working on lots of little things in daily life. I can truly say you’ve changed my life for the better - loads!!!
Thank you so much”
A major factor in neck and shoulder pain is your environment. Humans have never lived at a time like this, a time that is so demanding on our eyes and head position. When we work with clients to help resolve neck and shoulder issues we find lasting success when we look at the whole person, their life, their work and their hobbies.
If you want to know how to make changes to your environment at work or at home to help ease neck and shoulder pain then have a look at this video below!
If you’re interested in finding out more about how your environment affects, reduces and controls your movement then why not have a read of my ‘environment’ blog page here.