What is Pilates?
What is Pilates?
Joseph Pilates and his wife Clara created their system of movement in the early 1900's. He discovered that those people who could hold their body in a certain way and use certain muscles could recover from injury quicker and reduce their joint and back pain. Joseph set about creating exercises to specifically realign and strengthen those muscles and joints.
It was eighty years later that science proved he was on to something and the physiotherapy world began to use some of his moves to help rehabilitate those with joint pain.
It's through this foundation of looking at the body and listening to what is happening when you move that Pilates built a reputation for helping build healthy spines.
Sadly Pilates isn't taught the same everywhere. Classical Pilates is almost like a gym class and only serves those already strong to become stronger.
At Leith Pilates we build on the traditional Pilates system to increase the potential effects by incorporating natural movement techniques, breathing and talking about how our environment affects us.
This way we not only help you reduce and control your chronic pain, we help you understand it.
Putting you back in control of your body.
Come join us for a session and see what we can do for you.