Weighted Blanket
A weighted blanket is a blanket filled with loads of tiny glass beads which make it heavier than a normal blanket. The pressure from the extra weight mimics a therapeutic technique called deep pressure stimulation. This pressure can help reduce anxiety, calm the nervous system and also improve sleep quality. I use it while mediating, using the Sensate pebble and to sleep under most nights. I find I wake less often and have a deeper sleep while using it.
If you are looking into this check on the recommendations regarding weight of blanket in relation to your own weight as you can buy them at different weights.
I found it took a couple of weeks sleeping with it to get used to it and the first couple of nights I found it a bit annoying but worth persevering with.
There are also warnings if you have Diabetes so please check these out first before trying.
Here is some additional reading relating other conditions that may benefit from using weighed blankets: Weighted Blankets: Benefits, Do They Work, and More